65% of the companies that do CSR in Romania get involved in this field as part of their sustainability strategy

Valoria and CSRMedia.ro launched the tenth edition of the survey on the “Dynamics and perspective of CSR in Romania“. This is the only survey on the domestic market dedicated the corporate social responsibility that analyzes trends in the field for 10 years in a row.

The survey explores the perceptions of top executives, directors, managers and CSR specialists from various companies in Romania regarding the evolution, dynamics and challenges of this field in 2022 and 2021. The report of this edition also presents several series of data with the evolution of the last ten years.

How is social responsibility defined?

According to the study, 71% of the responding companies, compared to 68% in 2021, define social responsibility as a sustainable business strategy.

Compared to 2021, we see increases in philanthropy and risk management (+9 percentage points) and meaningful interactions with stakeholders (+6 percentage points).

At the same time, the responsible management of the supplier chain is slightly decreasing (-4 percentage points), probably due to the difficulties of the last 14-16 months.

How have CSR budgets evolved?

Only 26% of responding companies in 2022, compared to 29% previously, say that the CSR budget has increased by 20-30% in 2022.

CSR budgets that grow significantly by 20-30% are in slight decline, with only -3 percentage points in 2022 vs. 2021, and they are not the only ones.

We see a -9 percentage point drop in companies saying their CSR budgets are 10-20% higher, and a +13 percentage point increase in those who had the same CSR budget in 2022 as in 2021 (stagnation).

Which department manages the CSR budget?

In 2022, 55% of companies, down by -10 percentage points compared to 2021, say that the PR and Marketing department is the one that provides a budget line for CSR. The percentage drops massively for the first time, after 5 years of stagnation at 65%.

Even if the main CSR budget line remains PR and Marketing, the sustainability department climbs to second place, recording an increase of +12 percentage points.

The CSR department is now in third place, closely followed by HR.

Why do companies get involved in CSR?

In 2022, 65% of companies say they have engaged in CSR because it is part of their sustainability strategy, and only 35% compared to 55% in 2021, because it is part of their public relations strategy.

In second place, there are equal companies that say this approach brings them recognition and visibility (41%) with those that say it is part of the company’s philosophy (41%).

In third place are tied again the companies that say that CSR actions are required by shareholders (35%) with those that say that CSR facilitates the development of the employer brand (35%).

How is the CSR strategy determined?

Almost half of the responding companies, 45% in 2022, compared to 40% a year before, say they have a CSR strategy received from the parent company, which they implement locally.

The responses to this edition show that the percentage of companies that say they have a local CSR strategy drops by -7 percentage points. Also, the percentage of companies that say they received the CSR strategy from the parent company increases from 40% to 45%.

Also noteworthy is the +2 percentage point marginal increase in companies that say they do not have a CSR strategy.

How is the impact of CSR activities tracked?

Of the responding companies, 49% in 2022, compared to 45% in 2021, say they have a report according to international standards through which they track the impact of CSR activities.

Compared to last year, reporting according to international standards has increased by +4 percentage points, that according to own evaluation systems decreases by -14 percentage points, and that based on evaluations provided by partners increases by +6 percentage points.

companiescorporate social responsibilityCSRCSRMediaRomaniasustainability strategyValoria
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