Energy price, close to the historic high

The price of electricity on the spot market in Romania, to be supplied on Wednesday, is the highest in the region and has reached RON 630/MWh, very close to the historic high of RON 680/MWh recorded in February 2017.

The average price of energy to be supplied on Wednesday is EUR 89.1/MWh, in the Czech Republic is RON 47.8/MWh, in Hungary is EUR 88.76/MWh and in Slovakia is EUR 57.43/MWh, reports.

The average price to be supplied on Wednesday is however lower than the one on Tuesday (RON 416/MWh against RON 456/MWh).

The energy consumption was on Tuesday, at 14.00h, of 8,722 MW, with an output of 7,977 MW and imports of 745 MW.


consumptionCzechelectricity priceenergyhistoric highhungaryimportsoutputpowerSlovakia
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