The offshore law will bring USD 6 billion more to the state budget, and anyone attempting to amend the current form of the bill should be tried for treason, Darius Vâlcov, prime minister’s economic adviser, said on Saturday.
“No matter how much the European embassies or others would complain on the market or anywhere, who would dare to modify the current form of offshore law in the sense of reducing those financial conditions that were approved by the Chamber of Deputies, upon the proposal of Liviu Dragnea, I think it will have to be tried for treason, because we are talking about USD 6 billion, which the Romanian state will collect in addition to the original version of the law, and I do not think anyone may want to collect USD 6 billion less,” Darius Vâlcov has told Antena 3 TV private broadcaster.
Darius Vâlcov said that before the improvement of the offshore law, the large companies had profits of over USD 900 million in two years, and the Romanian state collected less than USD 100 million.
ANRM, under criticism
Darius Vâlcov published on Friday four annexes of the National Agency for Mineral Resources (ANRM) to show the state lost money during 2015-2017 by not updating the gas price. Previously, the counsellor had said that USD 2 billion had been lost in the last 12 years, in this manner.
“The USD 2 billion robbery, the second part: for the most suspicious, we have four annexes. The first three show how much money the state lost during 2015-2017. The last annex shows how the Dancila Government stopped the robbery in February 2018 and has cashed already by RON 117 million more in just a few months, that is, USD 30 million more in five months,” Darius Vâlcov wrote on Facebook on Friday.
On Thursday, Darius Vâlcov presented an information note from the ANRM, which states that the state budget lost over USD 2 billion, due to the fact that the reference price for natural gas has not been updated during 2006-2018.
Draft bill on insolvency
Darius Valcov has also announced that a draft ordinance on tightening the law for insolvency is in progress within the Government.
“But in insolvency – a draft ordinance is discussed within the Government so that in September we tighten the legislation for insolvency. Why? Because in only five years the debts of companies in insolvency have climbed from RON 13billion to RON 62 billion, mainly those debts mounting after the moment of insolvency. So, yes, this EUR 15 billion robbery must be stopped somehow and in September we will stop it,” Valcov said for Antena 3 TV.
Head of list among the top debtors to the state is Robert Negoita, District 3 Mayor and Darius Valcov’s party colleague.