The Competition Council authorized the transaction by which the company Affidea Development SRL intends to take over MedEuropa SRL and MedEuropa Investiții SRL.
Affidea Development SRL is part of the Affidea group. In Romania, the group companies offer medical assistance in 46 medical clinics, located in 29 cities. The services they offer range from imaging services, specialist medical consultations and laboratory tests to oncology treatments.
MedEuropa SRL provides radiotherapy services, as well as related services in Bucharest, in Bihor, Brașov and Constanța counties and other oncological treatments – chemotherapy and related services in Bucharest and Bihor county. MedEuropa Investments provides services exclusively for the benefit of MedEuropa.
“Following the analysis, the Competition Council found that the notified operation does not raise significant obstacles to effective competition on the Romanian market or part of it and that there are no serious doubts regarding its compatibility with a normal competitive environment. The decision will be published on the website of the national competition authority, after the removal of confidential information,” the Competition Council says in a press release.