The Competition Council authorized the transaction by which SEET Investment Holdings SarL, Danail Emilov Mladenov and Teodora Emilova Mladenova, through Goodpack SarL, intend to take over Paccor Romania SRL.
Goodpack holds interests in companies active in the production and marketing of rigid plastic packaging for food products.
SEET Investment Holdings SarL is active on the rigid plastic packaging market in Romania through its subsidiary, Teda Pack EAD.
Paccor Romania SRL mainly deals with the manufacture of plastic packaging.
“Following the analysis, the Competition Council found that this operation does not raise significant obstacles to effective competition on the Romanian market or part of it and that there are no serious doubts regarding its compatibility with a normal competitive environment. The decision will be published on the website of the national competition authority, after the removal of confidential information,” says a press release by the relevant authority.