Competition Council Reviews Asset Acquisition by Quantun Auto Max

The Competition Council is analyzing the transaction by which Quantum Auto Max SRL intends to take over assets related to the sale, maintenance and repair of light vehicles, which belong to the companies DI-BAS Auto SRL and DI-BAS Prahova SRL.

DI-BAS Auto SRL and DI-BAS Prahova SRL sell cars and light vehicles, being dealers of the Hyundai, Opel, Renault and MG brands. Quantum Auto Max SRL deals with the sale of cars and light vehicles, being the sole importer in Romania of the MG and Maxus car brands.

The company is controlled by the Chitaru family, which also owns KIA Romauto SRL, the sole importer in Romania of the KIA brand, Isuzu Rom Auto SRL, the sole importer in Romania of the Isuzu D-MAX van, and MIT Motors International SRL, a company active in the retail sale of cars and the market for maintenance and repair of cars.

According to the Competition Law (no. 21/1996), this operation must be authorized by the Competition Council, which will evaluate it in order to establish its compatibility with a normal competitive environment and will issue a decision within the deadlines provided by law.

acquisitionassetChitaruCompetition CouncilDI-BAS Auto SRLKIA Romauto SRLQuantun Auto Maxsale
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