EC gives green light for the construction of Sebes – Turda motorway

Romania will receive EUR 621.59 million from the European Commission for the construction of Sebes-Turda highway after the project was accepted for funding by Brussels authorities, Ministry of Transport announced in a statement.

First phase of the project budget is EUR 221,151,841.70. Of this amount, the contribution from the Cohesion Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme ‘Transport’ (SOPT) 2007-2013 is EUR 152,998,942.98.

Phase two of the project, totaling about EUR 400 million will be funded under the 2014-2020 programming period.

According to the quoted document, following the declaration of admissibility of the European Commission, the Managing Authority for Sectoral Operational Programme ‘Transport’ 2007-2013 will file the Order regarding the approval of applications filed for reimbursement by CNADNR – Romanian National Company of Motorways and National Roads within the major project.

The work execution period is set to be between September 2014 – June 2016, according to estimated schedule for project implementation.

The Sebes-Turda motorway is designed to link the Sibiu-Arad motorway (Pan-European Corridor IV) and the Bucharest-Brasov-Bors motorway. The section of highway Sebes – Turda has a total length of 70 km and is divided into 4 groups.

CNADNRECMinistry of TransportsmotorwayPan-European Corridor IVsebesturda
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