EUR 10,000 state bonus for electric car acquisition

This year the bonus for the “Scrappage (Rabla) Plus” car programme will be doubled compared to the 2016, so whoever wants to buy an electric car will receive EUR 10,000 from the state, Environment Minister Daniel Constantin stated on Tuesday, quoted by

The Ministry of Environment launched in 2016 two programmes that promote clean technologies: “Scrappage Plus” and “Green power infrastructure”.

Daniel Constantin also announced at the beginning of this month that the vouchers’ value for this year’s car scrappage programme will increase from RON 6,500 to RON 8,000.

At end-October 2016, there were 600 electric cars in Romania out of about 6.2 million vehicles. However, the local auto market needs to develop infrastructure for electric cars, considering that there is demand for such vehicles, as Jan Ptacek, CEO Renault Commercial Roumanie commercial division of Renault in Romania said last year.

According to Environment Fund Administration, there are 55 charging stations for electric cars currently in Romania, of which 22 are in Bucharest.





car programmecharging stationselectric carEnvironment Minister Daniel ConstantinGreen power infrastructureScrappage Plusstate bonusvouchers’ value
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