European funding of EUR 272 M for Sebes – Turda motorway

Over EUR 272 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is invested in the construction of a motorway between the towns of Sebes and Turda, near Cluj, in the Romanian region of Transylvania, on the core Trans European Transport Network (TEN-T), European Commission announced on Tuesday in a press release

Sebes- Turda highway has 70 kilometers and should have been completed in 2016. The project is divided into four lots, of which 3 and 4 are the most advanced, and 1 and 2 record the longest delays.

“Romanians living in this region will enjoy safer, more comfortable travel conditions. This motorway will also benefit the development of the regional economy, with positive effects on trade and tourism,” Commissioner for Regional policy Corina Cretu commented.

The EU-funded project will connect two existing motorways – A1 Orastie – Sibiu (Southern end) and A3 Gilau – Campia Turzii (Northern end) and increase speed and road safety.

European Commissioner Cretu warned in January that Romania risks losing important European funds, given that there are still delays, especially in terms of regional development, transport and the construction of the three regional hospitals.

Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cre?uEuropean fundingEuropean FundsEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF)Sebes – Turda motorwaytrans-European transport network (TEN-T)
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