EximBank finances the Trencadis for the EDULIB educational platform project

EximBank and the entrepreneurial company Trencadis from Baia Mare, specialized in the provision of IT integration solutions and services, concluded a financial agreement worth 60 million lei, a facility that will be used to finance the expenses related to the implementation of the contract for the EDULIB educational platform.

At the end of last year, Trencadis was named the winner of the tender for EDULIB – the national digital platform with educational resources, in a consortium with several IT&C companies. The project involves the creation of a digital platform with open educational resources and the integration and exploitation of digital resources of the open educational resource type.

At the same time, the project includes equipping 5,400 secondary schools with multimedia kits and indirect training (train-the-trainers) for 5,400 teachers from all over the country. There will also be the virtual library component, which will be a real content and learning management system. Another technology that encapsulates current industry trends is the adaptive learning component. This will allow content to be tailored to the needs of the student accessing the content.

The project is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 “Information and Communications Technology for a competitive digital economy”.”Education is perhaps one of the most underdeveloped sectors in Romania, and we want to be part of its accelerated digital transformation process. We are delighted to be participating in this project and are confident that with EximBank as our financial partner, we will be able to deliver a platform for quality digital education.

More precisely, EDULIB will include the necessary mechanisms for a cross-curricular approach to learning, which will no longer be built mainly on subjects and objects of study, but on themes, topics, problems or challenges that can later be framed in certain subjects of study”, said Marian Murgulet, Trencadis CEO.

baia maredigitaleducational platformEdulibEximBankITTrencadis
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