Fiscal relaxation is good. But…

The fiscal relaxation is good, no one can deny it, but we must see if we can do this in the budgetary conditions that we have at the moment, Ionut Dumitru (photo), the president of Fiscal Council (FC) said, as reaction to President Klaus Iohannis decision to reject on Friday the new Tax Code. Thus, he has returned the draft law to Parliament for reconsideration.

“If we look only at the budgetary revenues, we do a big mistake because we need to look at the budgetary expenditure side,” FC’s head said, quoted by

He added that the intention of VAT cutting from 24 to 19 percent is ‘aggressive’, instead the measures to remove the pole tax or the excise duty for fuel are good initiatives.

budgetary conditionsbudgetary expenditurebudgetary revenuesdraft lawexcise duty for fuelFiscal Councilfiscal relaxationIonut Dumitruparliamentpole taxpresident klaus iohannisTax CodeVAT cutting
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