Update: FinMin Teodorovici announces new fiscal framework as of January 1, 2019. ANAF to be relocated

Finance Minister, Eugen Teodorovici, announced Tuesday evening that the ministry is conducting a comparative analysis on the Tax Code and the Tax Procedure Code in view of enforcing a new fiscal framework as of January 1, 2019.

“My colleagues are conducting this comparative analysis on the Tax Code, the Tax Procedure Code, article by article, with proposals and arguments.  We work intensively and openly with the economic environment, we have invited structures from the Budget-Finance parliamentary committee from both chambers, so that by the end of the year we have a draft bill on the Tax Code and the Tax Procedure Code,” minister Todorovici said.

Consequent to the analysis, a series of conclusions will be presented in autumn and the new fiscal framework will be enforced as of January 1, 2019.

“Many amendments to the Tax Code were operated and we need to set these amendments in a consolidated form in the fiscal area,” the Finance Minister added.

ANAF to be relocated by year-end

On the other hand, Teodorovici said the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) will be relocated, by the end of the year, to the building that previously hosted the Antena 3 TV private broadcaster, hotnews.ro informs.

“The former offices of the Antenas will become useful by the end of the year, I intend to relocate the ANAF there. The building belongs to the state now. By selling it we would not cash in the amount specified by DNA, i.e. EUR 60 million. ANAF assessed it to EUR 11 million in 2015. There is difference between the DNA and ANAF appraisals,” the Finance Minister said.

Teodorovici added he does not intend to sell the offices because by using them the state can save money, “maybe EUR 1 million per month” out of the rent paid by ANAF for various locations.


amendmentsANAFantena tvEugen Teodorovicifinance ministerfiscal frameworkparliamentary committeesTax Code
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