Funcom opened new studio in Bucharest

International games company, Funcom, has opened a new studio in Bucharest. Ionuț Codreanu, Head of Studio, talked about the plans of the studio in Bucharest, the creation of a top QA department, as well as about the future extension to other areas of game development.

“We have ambitious plans for the studio in Bucharest“, says Ionuț Codreanu. “This is one of the reasons why I was attracted by the opportunity, besides the agile environment, multiculturalism and the <flat structure>approach. found here a community of people who are open and passionate about what they do. It’s a dynamic environment, where we experiment, learn and get better every day. “

We are glad that we found the right person to open a new studio in Bucharest. Ionuț has a rich experience on the Romanian gaming market, working for more than 17 years in companies such as Vivendi, Bandai Namco and Ubisoft. We are confident that Ionut will turn Funcom Bucharest into an important player. The Bucharest studio will be involved in the development of projects such as Dune, Conan Exiles and more “, says Rui Casais, CEO of Funcom.

Codreanu’s priority is to find the right people to lay the foundations of the studio in Bucharest. “The first colleagues are already here and we have started the activity. We are still looking for talented people with whom to achieve our very ambitious goals. We want to build a testing department that will work with production teams to make sure we deliver games to the highest quality standard. At the same time, we are laying the groundwork for an automation team that will streamline the way we develop and test games. To get there, we want to bring in experienced people who are eager to develop new skills and work with the latest technologies. ” 

Funcom is known for games such as Anarchy Online, Age of Conan and The Secret World. The new employees in Bucharest will work on big brands such as Conan and Dune. “Dune is our most ambitious project so far. Frank Herbert created an emblematic universe and we are delighted that we have the chance to recreate it in our game “, says Ionuț.

Funcom headquarters is located in the center of Bucharest. “When we opened the studio, we looked for a location that would express the values ​​of our company – creativity, agility, dynamism. We found them all in our new headquarters, located near Victoriei Square, where we are waiting for our future colleagues. We focus on creating a space that encourages collaboration and creativity, a place where employees feel good and socialize. At the end of the day, it’s not just about the work itself, it’s also about the atmosphere and the quality of time spent together. “

BucharestConan DuneConan ExilesFuncomgame studiogamesgamingIonut Codreanutestingvictoriei square
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