Garanti Bank – UPC Romania partnership for bill payment

The subsidiary of Turkish Garanti Group on local market signed a partnership with UPC Romania through which the clients of the cable company, individuals or companies, will now have the option to pay TV, Internet or phone bills through Garanti’s ATMs, branches, Internet Banking.

“All our endeavors are channeled towards streamlining time and making day to day life easier for those who get in touch with our innovative products and services. As such, this partnership is in line with our strategy and will bring multiple benefits to all UPC Romania customers who want to perform fast banking operations”, stated Onur Ozdemir, Transaction Banking Manager Garanti Bank.

Garanti Bank has over 300 smart ATMs, 84 national branches, as well as an efficient Internet Banking service, Garanti Online.

ATMsbill paymentcable companyGaranti BankGaranti Onlineinternet bankingOnur OzdemirpartnershipTransaction Banking Manager Garanti BankUPC Romania
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