Good signs for retail segment. Turnover volume, up by 7.4 pc at nine months

Decreases were registered only for sales of food, beverages and tobacco.

From the beginning of the year until the end of September, the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motor cycles) increased compared to the same period of previous year, both as gross series and series adjusted with the working days number and seasonality by 7.4 percent each, according to Romania’s Statistics Institute.
In September 2014, the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles) decreased compared to the previous month and increased slowly with the working days number and seasonality.
Compared to the previous month, in September 2014 the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles), gross series, globally decreased by 0.9 percent, due to the decreases registered by the retail of food, beverages and tobacco (-6.2 percent) and fuel retail for motor vehicles in specialized shops (-4.5 percent. The sales of non-food products increased by 5.7 percent. In September 2014, compared to the previous month, the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles), series adjusted with the working days number and seasonality, increased by 0.1 percent due to the increases registered by the sales of non-food products (+1.6 percent) and for motor vehicles fuel retail in specialized shops (+0.3 percent). Decreases were registered for sales of food, beverages and tobacco (-0.7 percent).
This September, compared to the same month of 2013, the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles), gross series, registered increase by 6.1 percent, due to the increases of non-food products sales (+11.3 percent) and sales of food, beverages and tobacco (+7.3 percent).
Retail of fuel for motor vehicles in specialized shops decreased by 3.4 percent. Compared to September 2013, this September, the retail turnover volume (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles), series adjusted with the working days number and seasonality, registered increase by 5.8 percent, due to the increase in sales of non-food products (+9.9 percent) and sales of food, beverages and tobacco (+7.6 percent). Retail of fuel for motor vehicles in specialized shops decreased by 7.2 percent.
During this nine months period, compared to last year, the retail turnover volume, gross series, registered increase by 7.4 percent due to the increases in the sales of non-food products (+11.1 percent), sales of food, beverages and tobacco (+8.3 percent) and retail of fuel for motor vehicles in specialized shops (+0.2 percent). Also, the retail turnover volume, series adjusted with the working days number and seasonality, registered increase by 7.4 percent due to the increases in the sales of non-food products (+11.1 percent), sales of food, beverages and tobacco (+7.9 percent) and fuel retail for motor vehicles in specialized shops (+0.4 percent).

beveragesdecreasesfoodincreasesINSnon-food productsretailsalesseasonalitySeptembershopstobaccoturnover
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