French-Italian luxurious brand Moncler, held by billionaire Remo Ruffini, will open a clothing factory in Romania, Bacau county area. According to Ministry of Finances data, the investment is supported by a state aid of over RON 17 million, informs.
The total investment value was not disclosed.
Through this investment, the Italian company Industries Spa has assumed to create 780 new jobs via its local subsidiary Yield Industries. This is the first production unit of Italian producer at the local level, given that until now the clothes under Moncler brand were made in Lohn system, in collaboration with local producers.
‘Clothing, footwear and textiles’ is one of the most important engines of Romania’s exports, after the auto industry, bringing 10 percent of exports of EUR 52 billion of the country.
Founded in 1952, Moncler was a sleepy maker of ski jackets in the French Alps. But Ruffini has transformed it into a global fashion icon, with sales up more than 10 fold over the past decade.
The Milan-based maker of stylish puffy jackets has in its collections jackets and clothing with prices starting from EUR 1,000, surpassing EUR 3,000.