Life is HARD launches the City Health platform in the Republic of Moldova

Straseni, the first Moldovan smart city digitized through Cluj applications.

Since June 2022, the city of Straseni becomes the first Moldovan smart city digitized with the help of City Health solution, provided by Life is HARD from Cluj. The application is offered to citizens by the City Hall of Straseni, enabling city residents to receive in real time information on events and situations that may affect their daily activities, such as roadblocks, street closures, infrastructure works or even emergency situations and at the same time being notified of the outcome of their complaints.

The application was received with enthusiasm in the Republic of Moldova and I was happy to notice an increased interest towards more involved communities in the relationship with public administration decision makers. Since its official launch, just a few days, ago, we noticed an increase in downloads of the app with around 100 registered users and already several reports of Community issues This is the beginning of our next phase in extending the solution abroad and we will continue our efforts in the neighboring country to help local administrations have a transparent and participatory relationship with its citizens”, says Anca Goron, product owner City Health at Life is HARD.

CityHealth supports the development of digitization skills of public administrators and facilitates citizens’ direct involvement in finding real-time solutions for local government problems. People can easily identify and report different issues, get instant feedback and statuses, participate in polls and suggest projects for their community.

We want Straseni to become an intelligent, active and involved community that will be referenced as a model of good practice at national level, which is why we encourage people to

download the app and use it with confidence. Urban communities are constantly changing, and it is the citizens that dictate the direction and we want to make sure we not only make it easier in facing different challenges but also improve their daily lives. The CityHealth mobile app can be downloaded for free from here and used simply, on any smartphone with internet connection”, says Valentina Casian, mayor of Straseni.

Digitalization is one of the strategic directions of action of the administrative team in Straseni, which plans, in the second stage, to come up with a series of new smart solutions, including a solution for monitoring parking in the city, so that citizens can see real-time availability, areas where there are works or traffic limitations.

The City Health app is part of the smart communities suite developed by the Life is HARD team, and currently has 20000 users from over 50 municipalities. The application has won the best Smart City Romanian  Startup solution, best public sector or Utility solution at IT Europe Awards in London  and national level winner of the best City solution Category in CES Awards.


The e-administration platform provides its users with modules for real-time information and communication with citizens, reporting problems and suggestions, involvement in participatory budget campaigns and opinion polls, etc. thus, Once a citizen has downloaded and installed the CityHealth app on their mobile phone, they have the option to register with an email address and password or directly with their Facebook account, and after selecting Strasseni as their place of residence, will become connected to information transmitted by local authorities, will be able to send in less than one minute reports on any problems in the city that affect them and other citizens directly or indirectly, enabling them to come up with suggestions and express their opinion directly on various administration decisions taken at local level. The representatives of the public administration will instantly receive these suggestions and reports and will respond to them in the shortest possible time directly in the mobile application, without the need to send a

notification by post or to have them physically come  to the City Hall. Citizens can be aware of the status of their report, what actions have been taken to resolve it, can have access to information about the activities of representatives of local administrations and at what is happening at community level.

LIFE IS HARD is the first Romanian software company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange- the AeRO market, and has advanced expertise in the development of digitization projects for companies and communities.

city healthClujdigitalizationdigitizede-administration platformLife is HardRepublic of Moldovasmart cityStraseni
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