Nearly 3,000 state jobs put on the market since the beginning of the year. Which are the biggest employers?

State institutions put almost 3,000 jobs out of business in the first two months of the year, according to data from, the largest private and state job aggregator in Romania, developed by 9 out of 10 are executive positions and less than 200 are management positions.

Comparatively, the private sector had 65,000 new positions, opened in the same period of time on, more than half being intended for candidates from the entry level segment.

“The state is becoming an increasingly strong competitor for employers in the private sector. The authorities announced that for 2023, employment has been unlocked with 90,000 positions, most in education, health and law enforcement. We already see that the beginning of the year came with 3,000 new jobs in this sector, while for the whole year 2022 just over 12,000 were registered, as shown by the aggregated data of jobradar24. Let’s not forget, at the same time, that the traditional association that candidates make between state jobs and the idea of ​​stability remains. Correlated with the increase in wages, the option of employment in this area is becoming more and more attractive, including for young candidates, who until now used to look mainly, if not exclusively, to private employers”, says Bogdan Badea, CEO of eJobs Romania.

The most vacant jobs, namely over 430, belong to state institutions in Bucharest, Cluj occupying the second position in the ranking, with 165 offers. Next are Iași and Timiș, both with more than 100 stations put on the market. On the other side are counties such as Vrancea, Sălaj, Mehedinți, Ialomița, Caraș Severin or Gorj, where the state remains a timid employer, with less than 30 jobs available from the beginning of the year until now for each county. These counties are also in the top with the fewest private jobs and unemployment rates above the national average.

The institutions that come up with the most offers for candidates, nationally, are town halls, schools, hospitals, high schools / vocational schools / technical colleges / national colleges and universities. The positions for which the most candidates were sought were skilled and unskilled worker, carer, nurses, clerk, driver and security guard.

“A good part of these jobs fall within the professional horizon of candidates in the 45+ age category, who look with a high degree of confidence at a possible employment with the state, but are distrustful of the chances they have of employment in a private company”, explains Bogdan Badea.

eJobsemployershospitalsjob aggregatorjobsmanagement positionsprivate sectorschoolsstatestate institutonstown hallsuniversities
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