76 pc of companies believe that an increase of the minimum wage as of January 1 will lead to difficulties, survey says

More than three quarters of the companies included in a survey conducted by the National Council of Private Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR) believe that an increase of the minimum wage as of January 1, 2016 will create difficulties for the company, said Ana Bontea, director of the Legal and the Social Dialogue Department with CNIPMMR during a conference on Tuesday.
– 62% of those surveyed believe that the increase of the minimum wage will mainly lead to layoffs and only 16% said there would be no effects on the salary scale at the enterprise level for all employees.
– Asked what measures are considered necessary to be taken in order to ensure the minimum wage increase in 2016, 80% pointed to stimulating investment, 75% to simplifying bureaucracy, 62% to lower taxation and 48% demanded other measures.
– The new Government did not include in the budget an increase of the minimum wage to RON 1,200 from RON 1,050, the interviewees expressing conviction that in the future government and the parliamentary parties will not make a decision in this area without a rigorous impact survey.
CNIPMMR conducted during December 4-7, 2015 a consultation on increasing the minimum wage in 2016. Respondents to the survey are 45% are micro enterprises, 18% small enterprises, 27% medium-sized enterprises and 9% large companies.

Ana BonteaCNIPMMRenterpriseslayoffsminimum wage hikestate budgetSurveywage increase
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