Central bank Governor Mugur Isarescu has decided to publish his income after being accused by economist Lucian Isar that he retired in 2014 but still holds the position of head of Romania’s National Bank. Mugur Isarescu has revealed his income: EUR 13,601 per month.
“My salary as governor is of EUR 9,495 net monthly, adding the management indemnity of EUR 4,105. In total EUR 13,601,” Mugur Isarescu said during press conference on Thursday, digi24.ro reports.
“The pension was not calculated, it was not established and therefore I have not collected any retirement benefits. There was no cumulative amount salary-pension,” the BNR Governor said.
Lucian Isar claimed that Mugur Isarescu allegedly accumulates at the moment the pension and salary. The economist said that the salary and the pension, combined with other revenues as BNR Governor would amount to some EUR 40,000 monthly.
Regarding the fact that the governor’s salary does not appear in the wealth statement, the central bank officials say that this is legal. The National Integrity Agency (ANI) is aware of the Governor’s income and receives all revenue records, but the BNR has the right not to make them public “due to a provision in the Treaty of Accession to the European Union, which confers it certain rights of independence.”