European Commissioner Corina Cretu: EU funds amounting to EUR 500m for Romanian infrastructure

European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu has approved the phasing of 7 major projects for Romania.

“By these scheduling decisions regarding major projects, Romania is to benefit from an additional opportunity to use the allotted European funds – EUR 147 million for the transport infrastructure and EUR 355 million for water and used waters infrastructure – to the benefit of its citizens,” Corina Cretu has told the website

“I hope these projects will be successfully implemented within the deadlines, and upon completion to conclude that the investments co-financed by European money have led to the Romanians’ living conditions,” the Commissioner said.

The envisaged projects are:

  • National road Pitesti-Campulung-Brasov – the upgrading of the national road 73 will reduce the number of road accidents, while stimulating the development of local economy;
  • Sebes-Turda motorway: the new 70 km highway will connect A1 highway (Orastie-Sibiu) to A3 highway (Gilau-Campia Turzii);
  • National road DN76: the rehabilitation of the national road between Deva and Oradea will improve the transport conditions;

Four other approved projects aim to extend and rehabilitate the water supply and sewerage systems in the counties of Brasov, Hunedoara, Olt and Tulcea.

The seven projects are co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development and by the Cohesion Fund.


cohesion fundcorina cretuEuropean Commissionerhighwaysmotorwaysnational roadsprojectsregional developmentsewerage systemstransprot infrastructureused waters
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