Household deposits in domestic currency, up by 10.8 pc at end-October

At end-October 2016, RON-denominated household deposits increased by 0.6 percent to RON 97,654.9 million. At end-October 2016, household deposits in domestic currency rose by 10.8 percent (11.3 percent in real terms) year-on-year, National Bank of Romania (BNR) shows on Thursday.

RON-denominated corporate deposits (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) inched down 0.9 percent to RON 76,493.8 million. At end-October 2016, RON-denominated corporate deposits climbed by 17.4 percent (17.9 percent in real terms) year on year.

Household and corporate bank deposits increased in October 2016 by 0.1% as compared to September 2016 to the level of RON 258.9 billion, according to data released by the National Bank of Romania (BNR).

During that period, household deposits in RON rose by 0.6% to RON 97.65 billion. As annual rate, at October 31, 2016, RON-denominated household deposits recorded an increase of 10.8% (11.3% in real terms) against October 31, 2015.

As regards the non-government loans granted by credit institutions, these went up 0.9 percent (0.4 percent in real terms) from September 2016 to RON 218,754.2 million. RON-denominated loans expanded 1.2 percent (0.8 percent in real terms), whereas foreign currency-denominated loans rose by 0.4 percent when expressed in RON, but fell by 0.8 percent when expressed in EUR. After the first ten months of the year, non-government loans went up 2.0 percent (2.5 percent in real terms) year on year, on the back of the 13.5 percent increase in RON-denominated loans (14.0 percent in real terms) and the 9.8 percent decline in foreign currency-denominated loans expressed in RON (when expressed in EUR, forex loans dropped 11.2 percent).

Government credit stood 3.4 percent higher in October 2016 from a month earlier, at RON 91,930.7 million. At end-October 2016, government credit advanced 8.9 percent (9.4 percent in real terms) from the same year-ago period.

Deposits of non-government resident customers added 0.1 percent month on month to RON 258,892.6 million in October 2016.

At the same time, broad money amounted to RON 296,618.6 million, up 0.2 percent (down 0.2 percent in real terms) month on month. In year-on-year comparison, broad money rose 11.8 percent (12.3 percent in real terms).

Forex-denominated deposits of resident households and corporates (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) went up 0.6 percent to RON 84,743.9 million when expressed in domestic currency (when expressed in EUR, forex deposits declined by 0.6 percent to EUR 18,808.2 million).

In year-on-year comparison, residents’ forex deposits expressed in RON advanced 5.4 percent (when expressed in EUR, residents’ forex deposits rose by 3.7 percent); household forex deposits climbed by 8 percent when expressed in domestic currency (when expressed in EUR, household forex deposits expanded by 6.3 percent) and forex deposits of legal entities (non-financial corporations and non-monetary financial institutions) moved up RON 1.9 million when expressed in RON (when expressed in EUR, forex deposits of resident legal entities contracted by 1.6 percent).

broad moneycorporate depositsdomestic currencyforex depositsforex-denominatedgovernment credithousehold depositsnon-government loansresident householdsRON-denominated
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