The non performing loans (NPL) ratio increased by 0.29% to 9.75% in January, according to data released by the National Bank of Romania (BNR).
Against January 2016 the level is lower by 3.71 percentage points.
BNR Deputy Governor Liviu Voinea said recently that the Central Bank has set a target of 6% of bad loans this year.
The number of natural persons registered to the credit bureau with arrears exceeding 30 days to banks and to NFIs increased by 13,029 to 648,873 in January, as compared to December, the third consecutive month of growth, BNR informs.
Regarding the amount of arrears, they were in January of RON 8.08 billion, up by 1% as compared to the previous month, of which more than RON 3 billion in local currency, RON 3.45 billion equivalent in EUR, RON 1.58 billion equivalent in other currencies and RON 45.5 million in USD.
In the category of late payments, overdue loans for more than 90 days accounted for over RON 4.5 billion. Also, the central bank statistics show that there were arrears of RON 62.9 million with a delay of 61-90 days and RON 38.7 million with delays of 31-60 days.
The total amount of written off loans was of RON 1.5 billion and RON 1.97 billion – upon collection.