The unemployment rate last year was of 6.8% nationally, similar to the previous year, the largest share being for young people aged 15-24 years old of 21.7%, the National Statistics Institute has announced on Monday.
The unemployment rate is higher for low (8.1%) and intermediate education graduates (7.2%), while for people with higher education the unemployment rate was of 4.1%.
By gender: 7.5% for men and 5.8% women, by residence: 7% in urban areas against 6.6% in rural areas.
For youngsters (15-24 years), long-term unemployment rate (unemployed for six months and more) was of 13.1% and the incidence of long-term unemployment among the youth 60.6%.
Last year, Romania’s active population was of 9.15 million, of which 8.53 million were employed and 624,000 unemployed persons.
Regarding the employment rate of the working age population (15-64 years), last year it was of 61.4%
The employment rate for young people (15-24 years) was 24.5% and for the elderly (55-64 years) of 41.1%.
The highest occupancy rate was recorded among graduates with higher education (85.3%). Some 64.9% of those with medium levels of education were employed and only 42.6% of those with low levels of education.