The unemployment rate has reached, in Q3 this year, the highest level (16.9%) among the young people aged 15-24, whereas the active population has reached 9.291 million, the National Statistics Institute informed on Friday.
Out of the overall active population, 8.850 million were employed and 441,000 were unemployed.
During July-September 2017, the employment rate of the working age population (15-64 years old) was of 65.3%, down by 0.2 percentage points against the similar period in 2016. The employment rate was higher for men (73.3%) against women (57.2%) and for the people in urban areas (65.4%) against the rural areas (65.2%).
The employment rate for young people (15-24) was of 26.2%.
Countrywide, the unemployment rate was, during the mentioned period, of 4.7%, down against the previous quarter (4.8%). The unemployment rate was higher for men (5.3%) as compared to women (4%).
By residence, the unemployment is higher in rural areas (5.3%) against urban areas (4.3%).