Phoenicia Royal Hotel to open this mid-June in Navodari

The five-star Phoenicia Royal Hotel, owned by Lebanese businessman Mohammad Murad, will be ready to receive its guests as of the mid-June in Navodari, near Phoenicia Holiday Resort.

A luxury suite where three adults can stay costs EUR 1,452 (EUR 484 per person) for four nights (August 1 – 5), with only breakfast included in the price. Those who want to stay in HB system will pay EUR 1,668 (EUR 556/person).

“The hotel’s policy is not to accommodate families with children younger than seven,” according to Phoenicia Royal representatives.

The businessman currently owns six hotel units on the Romanian seaside. The last year summer season was the best so far for the units that Murad controls in Navodari, the average occupancy rate for all hotels reaching 94 percent.

Murad has recently announced that he plans to develop a 1,000 seats agro-tourist complex on the Prahova Valley, following an investment of EUR 5 million.

agro-tourist complexaverage occupancy ratefive-star hotelLebanese businessmanMohammad MuradNavodariPhoenicia Holiday ResortPhoenicia RoyalPrahova ValleyRomanian seaside
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