The National Supervisory Council in the Railway Sector (CNSDF), within the Competition Council, sanctioned Grup Feroviar Român with 3.49 million lei for not complying with the measures imposed by the national regulatory body and not allowing access to all railway transport operators to the service infrastructures they operate in the CF Palas station in the Constanța Port area.
CNSDF decided, in October 2023, following a complaint by CFR Marfă, that Grup Feroviar Român SA (GFR) and Trans Expedition Feroviar SRL (TEF) grant, under fair, non-discriminatory and transparent conditions, the right of access to all operators of rail transport to the service infrastructures at CF Palas station and to the services offered within these infrastructures.
Furthermore, the GFR had to publish the description of the service infrastructures at CF Palas station, the services offered within these infrastructures and the tariffs charged, including information on the coordination procedure and prioritization criteria, to maximize the available capacity.
Also, the company had to recalculate and publish the tariffs for the services offered within these infrastructures.
The GFR did not fully implement the measures imposed by the CNSDF, which is why it was sanctioned. The CNSDF will continue to monitor how the company complies with the legislation and will apply additional fines if the GFR does not provide non-discriminatory access to rail operators.
GFR retorted, saying that the sanction refers to an older case that has been resolved.