Romania, last in the EU at online learning

StakeBorg Academy promotes the adoption of new technologies by launching Romania's first AI-based educational assistant.

Romania ranks last in the European Union in terms of online learning, according to a Eurostat study from 2022, with only 8% of Romanians stating that they have used the internet for educational purposes in the past three months. To boost the adoption of new technologies in education, StakeBorg Academy has launched Romania’s first AI-based learning assistant, live-tested at the latest edition of The StakeBorg Talks, a conference that had guests such as Ionut Simion, AmCham President and PwC Partner, Andrei Burz Pinzaru, Partner at Deloitte, and Damian Horner, co-founder of Real Vision.

“We are last in the EU in terms of digitalization, as well as online learning, even though we enjoy one of the fastest internet speeds in the world. This is the context in which we look to the future, one in which digitalization will create 97 million jobs by 2025, according to the World Economic Forum. To ensure that the new generations will be competitive in the job market, an ambitious plan for the reform and innovation of education is needed. Education must keep up with technological advancements, which means that both students and teachers must be prepared to navigate the new technological reality. StakeBorg Academy, a leader in innovative online education, is launching Romania’s first AI-based educational assistant, built with the help of Chat GPT technology and then trained to develop expertise in the educational field,” said Vlad Mercori, CEO of StakeBorg.

Thus, in addition to interactive courses covering  the origin and evolution of money, financial crises, and digital revolutions, explained with the help of professionals such as Alin Andries, a finance professor and also the youngest doctoral coordinator in Romania, Felix Crisan, co-founder of Netopia, or Avi Cicirean, founder of Brand Minds, StakeBorg Academy users will benefit from a new learning experience with the help of the educational assistant based on Chat GPT technology – StakeBorg Academy Buddy.

As an exercise of  imagination regarding the potential of AI, we can say that StakeBorg Academy Buddy is the result of a collaboration between two distinct AI systems. We used Chat GPT technology to describe the characteristics of the educational assistant StakeBorg Academy Buddy, and then these characteristics were given a face  with the help of Midjourney. The collaboration between AI systems will give a new meaning to the concepts of productivity and economic development. Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Tesla are among the most important players pushing the boundaries of knowledge by developing products with artificial intelligence. It would be dangerous for Romania to watch from the sidelines as the reality around it changes. That is precisely why we aim to encourage action, and StakeBorg Academy Buddy is just the first step toward achieving this goal. We work closely with our partners, both in the private and public sectors, to ensure that the benefits of technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, or virtual reality will profoundly change the status quo of the education system.

We want to help new generations to be prepare for the future, a future in which integrating technological advancements becomes a strategic objective in education,” added Evelyne Vîlcu, Chief Growth Officer of StakeBorg.

AI-based learning assistantEUEurostatonline learningRomaniaStakeBorg Academy
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