Romania, still a point of interest for agribusiness investors

The low price of farmland, soil quality and cheap labor are just some of the prerequisites for which Romania continues to be a destination of interest for foreign investors in agribusiness.

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INS), out of those over 238,000 kilometers square – country’s area – almost 63 percent represents arable land on which grow mainly wheat and corn.

“Companies in Romania and the local market are still attractive to investors. With a large source of locally produced food, the farmers dealing with livestock will continue to invest here,” Hugh Beirne manager and co-owner of Avalon Comp explained.

The biggest companies with foreign investments in agriculture which have opened businesses in Romania, operate mainly in trading, meaning buying raw materials from Romanian farmers and then exporting to other countries, as Cargill, Ameropa, Expur or others do, although there are foreign investors with integrated production – Smithfield – who have 52 active pig farms and their own slaughterhouse in Timiş and Arad counties.

agribusinessagricultureAmeropaarable landCargillcornExpurinvestorslivestockNational Institute of Statistics (INS)Romanian farmersSmithfieldwheat
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