The EU’s second largest grain exporter, after France, Romania reached the top in the first half of this trading year, with exports 2.1 times higher than its main competitor.
Romania’s exports of common wheat, common wheat flour – grain equivalent, durum wheat, durum wheat flour – grain equivalent, barley and maize amounted to 5.1 million tons in the first half of this marketing year (July 1, 2024-January 5, 2025), placing Romania in first position in the top of the largest exporters in the EU, according to European Commission data.
A third (30.8%) of all that the EU exported in the analyzed period, namely 16.5 million tons of cereals, had as its source Romania, which surpassed France by a difference of 2.7 tons. Germany follows, with exports of over 1.7 million tons of cereals, Lithuania, with 1.4 million tons of cereals and Poland, with 1.3 million tons. By type of cereals, Romania is, for the moment, the largest European exporter of wheat, with traders delivering over 3.2 million tons out of 11.1 million tons sold by the EU in total. We are also leaders in barley exports, with deliveries of over 1.3 million tons out of 2.2 million tons. However, in corn, we lost the traditional first place, in favor of Poland. The difference in quantity is small (352,914 tons vs. 348,030 tons).
In the 2023/2024 marketing year (1.07.2023-30.06.2024), Romania delivered 30.8% more cereals across the EU borders than in 2022, namely 10.6 million tons, which placed Romania again in second place after France, which marked deliveries of 13.6 million tons. Last marketing year, Romania was the largest exporter of corn, with 2.7 million tons, out of the 3.9 million tons delivered by the EU, and the second largest exporter of common wheat, after France (9 million tons).