Romanian car production up by 21% this year

The national car production stands at 381,971 units this year so far, which means an increase of 21.2% compared to the similar period of 2021, the Romanian Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACAROM) announced.

Out of the total national car brands, 230,078 units were Dacia and 151,893 were Ford.

On new car registrations, during  January and September 2022, they increased by almost 8%, compared to the same period of 2021, according to Directorate for Driving Licenses and Vehicle Registration (DRPCIV).

95,276 new passenger car registrations were reported, more by 7.94% as against the similar period of the previous year, when 88,262 units were registered.

As for the second-hand cars registered for the first time in Romania, 241,992 units are reported, with 20.69% less than in 2021 (305,140 units).

car productioncar registrationsDaciaFordincreaseRomaniasecond hand
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