Romanian entrepreneur Dragos Irimescu invests EUR 1.8m in natural stone processing plant

After 18 years dedicated to Depaco company and after selling the majority stake to TeraPlast, engineer Dragos Irimescu has chosen to invest in a natural stone business (marble, granite, travertine). He bought the stone plant Mesta from Baicoi last year, has fully revamped it, equipped with cutting-edge technology and is about to launch a new brand. The total investment will mount to EUR 1.8 million.

Initially I have only been interested in the real estate investment, not in the business itself. However, after talking to the employees from Mesta, who would have lost their jobs, I decided though to research, for I am very attached to the local community. Reading more about stone, I discovered its beauty and potential and I decided to get involved,” businessman Dragos Irimescu said.

The stone comes from stone quarries from Turkey, India and Greece. The warehouse has currently stocks of about 12,000 sqm.

My priority at the moment is to consolidate the sales force. We are searching good and serious people. The long term goal is to educate the market on using natural stone in constructions, for it has plenty of assets and advantages. Our price policy will encourage the natural stone’s advance, as natural stone should not be a luxury or exclusive product,” the entrepreneur added.

The new stone plant will function within Polnebo Construct company. Polnebo, selling roof accessories  and tent-type constructions, is managed by Irimescu.

BaicoibusinessmanDepacoDragos Irimescueur 1.8 millioninvestmentmestanatural stone processing plantpolneboTeraplast
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