Romanian goods exported to Africa and North Korea

Products manufactured in Romania are exported thousands of kilometres away. They are required by the African countries and even by North Korea. Pyongyang gets cigarettes, while in Tanzania buildings use pipes made in Romania. And this while the Romanians shops are flooded with fruits and clothes made in the African states, informs.
Romanian products find their consumers thousands of kilometres away. Romania exported refrigerators, dry pods and footwear in Ethiopia. Tanzania benefits from pipes manufactured by Romanian standards. On the other hand, skirts and jackets are imported to Romania from Botswana. Altogether, in the first four months of the year we exported by EUR 400 million more than we imported from the African countries.
Romania has even managed to reach the market in North Korea, a dictatorship with a closed economy. Last year, we exported cigarettes and cigars there. Trade exchanges amounted to EUR 90,000.

AfricaBotswanaexportsfootwarefruitsNorth KoreapipesTanzaniatobacco
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