CITR traded today, in a public auction, the land related to the former “Romanian Tobacco” factory located in Regiei boulevard no. 2, with an area of 62,491sqm for the amount of € 33,595,000, meaning 100% of the market value. The buyer is SIF SPV TWO SA, part of the SIF Banat Crișana Group.
The property is located in the center-west of the Capital, which includes the perimeter of Orhideea – Basarab Passage and the surroundings of Grozăveşti, Petrache Poenaru and Politehnica metro stations, an area that has emerged and become, since 2015, a new pole in the residential and residential segment. offices in Bucharest.
The property is related to the former tobacco factory and the value is given by the surface area of the land, its location and the potential for the development of future office, commercial, residential or mixed projects. The property is in the patrimony of the company Interagro SA, a company in reorganization.
The capitalization method approved by the creditors was a public auction with a shout, with a rising price.