Small entrepreneurs, troubled: Tax Code, 120 amendments in three months

2018 has begun with significant changes for both SMEs and the population. The first three months meant for the business environment 120 amendments to the Tax Code. All this leads to instability, the small entrepreneurs accuse, informs.

Florin Jianu, president of the National Council of Private Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR), said on Monday: “In the first three months there were 120 amendments to the Tax Code. Almost every Government sitting meant a change in the Tax Code. In 2018, we risk, as in 2017, being on a shameful first position in terms of legislative amendments at European level. All the figures and data lead to business instability, higher taxation, increased bureaucracy, a significant, if not impossible, effort for implementation, additional spending for entrepreneurs, increased administrative costs, and to huge problems in terms of ensuring competitiveness in the business environment. We have registered 27,251 companies suspended, dissolved, removed and in insolvency, compared to 2017 when we had 20,000. During the first two months, we have 22,400 registered companies, fewer than the ones closed, removed, dissolved.”

amendmentsCNIPMMRCouncil of Private Small and Medium Sized Enterprisesentrepreneursflorin jianuinsolvencyTax Code
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