81% of respondents to the most recent survey carried out by eJobs.ro stated that they plan to recruit for 2024, and 65% have already started. 10% do not know yet which direction the recruitment strategy will go for this year and if they will need to hire new people, while 9% answered that they have no plans in this regard.
Almost half (47.1%) of the employers participating in the study say that most of the positions they will have to fill in 2024 will be from the entry level segment, and 48.2% will need specialists. 4.7% still do not know from which category they will recruit.
Asked if they have budgeted salary increases for this year, 26.7% answered yes, 19.8% said they will be granted, but not for everyone, but only for certain employees they want to secure. 14.9% plan salary increases, but not earlier than the second half of the year, and 6.9% will do so only if there will be a favorable economic context. 18.8% do not know yet if the employees’ salaries will be increased.
“We are talking about wage increases that, for the most part, will not exceed 10%. 35.2% of employers surveyed said they planned raises between 5% and 10%, 11.4% will increase them between 10% and 20%, 8% will give raises of less than 5%, and 4 .5% say they will update them with inflation. 18.2% stated that each manager will decide for each employee separately, depending on performance, and 22.7% do not know yet”, says Ana Călugăru, Head of Communications at eJobs.ro.
For 2024, specialists appear to be the candidate category that will find the easiest job, with more than a third of employers participating in the survey indicating this answer. 23.2% mention young people with no experience, and 21.2% mention skilled workers. 10.1% believe that IT professionals will continue to be the easiest to hire. 8.1% bet on unskilled workers, 2% on managers and the same number on freelancers.
“We have already seen for more than a year that the number of remote jobs is decreasing and employers prefer to post mostly jobs that require presence in the office, so that, for this year, 55.6% of respondents said that in 2024 he worked from the office. 40.4% opted for the hybrid model, and 4% from home”, says Ana Călugăru.