Telekom Romania launches two new hosting data centers following EUR 3.5 M investment

Telekom Romania has inaugurated two data centers, a 3.5 million euros investment, after the four in Bucharest and two in Brașov, thus becoming the Romanian operator with the largest network of centers for providing data hosting services (HDC).

The two data centers in Cluj-Napoca have a total hosting capacity of over 300 racks.

Following the inauguration of the centers in Cluj-Napoca, the total area of data rooms occupied by the eight HDCs, located in three cities (Bucharest, Brașov and Cluj-Napoca), is over 2,000 square meters.

The level of security in the data centers is at the highest standards, with multifactor access control (physical and biometric), and the environmental conditions are ideal, the temperature and humidity being kept under permanent control and guaranteed by contract. Also, the power supply is provided by both the distribution network and the two large generators, respectively 1.4 MW of installed power each. Since 2007 and until now, the Telekom Romania HDCs have operated continuously, due to the measures taken in this direction.

The building space in Cluj-Napoca is dimensioned and equipped according to the international standards TIA 942-Tier 3, Telekom Romania being the first supplier in our country to start such a certification process.

”As a leader in this sector, our HDC offers customers the safest and most reliable hosting space in Romania, together with a wide range of communication services, to ensure all the needs in terms of business continuity in case of disaster. We know that every customer is unique and has unique needs and that is why it is essential to provide them with a comprehensive portfolio of services with uninterruptible power supply and geographically advantageous location”, said Miroslav Majoros, Telekom Romania’s CEO.

HDC is a category of services developed by Telekom Romania to meet the business needs of its customers. The program goes beyond the area of ​​traditional telecommunications products, offering and including new benefits and services, which the company considers important for customers and which add value to their business.

Hosting ensures Telekom Romania customers the shared use of facilities as well as the associated infrastructure, which can be used permanently, occasionally or on request.

Data Centers represent a secure, flexible and professional IT environment, usable by Telekom customers. They can use it to provide web services, to protect critical company information, for disaster recovery, or as a primary site for company systems. Thus, companies can avoid massive investments of capital and time for IT equipment and infrastructure.

Customers who choose the services offered by HDC will benefit from scalable solutions, with the possibility of further development with low costs, special rates, but also the facilitation of the fast and quality connection between the data center and the companies premises. Also, Telekom Romania offers 24/7 technical support, through multi-certified engineers.

At the same time, given the uniqueness of each customer, Telekom offers companies five categories of services, which can be customized upon need. Thus, they will be able to choose from the physical colocation of equipment, to dedicated equipment and licenses, connectivity, managed services or shared platforms and cloud infrastructure, based on VMware. Telekom’s cloud platform is the only one in Romania that received the title “VMware Cloud Verified”.

“We are really pleased that Telekom Romania has decided to use the VMware solution when implementing cloud services for its customers. It gives them the ability to select the best cloud environment to deploy and run applications on any device, with the possibility to leverage development platforms and building blocks for new applications while maintaining consistent operations that help enable the integrity of the entire IT portfolio”, said Ivo Sladoljev – Senior Regional Manager, Middle Europe at VMware, Inc.

In an online press conference today, mayor of Cluj-Napoca, Emil Boc, said that the Telekom investment is made “in the right place at the right time”, the more Cluj is a growing hub on IT, technology and that it had got in the final round of the contest as European Capital of Innovation 2020.

“It is for the first time that a city from the former communist bloc is in this contest. There is a Silicon Valley here in Cluj and we are glad that people from different backgrounds will be innovating at the data centers”, Boc said.

You can find more info about HDC Cluj-Napoca in this video material.

businessdata hosting servicesdata-centerHDC Cluj-Napocamiroslav majorostelecommunicationstelekom romaniaTelekom Romania’s CEOVMware solution
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