The efforts made by Visa and the partner banks to promote the benefits of card tax payments have shown results.
Romanians made more than one million tax payments by card, both at POS and online, in 2016. The total value of taxes paid by card increased by nearly 50 percent last year, to more than RON 360 million, as the number of online payments doubled and the card acceptance payment network continued to extend, according to data collected by Visa from banks in Romania, a press release informs.
“The card tax payments’ volume increased ten times over the last six years, due to the obvious advantages provided by this payment method: security, convenience and speed. We have witnessed a spectacular increase in online payments especially, as they exempt taxpayers from going to the counter, helping them to save time. We welcome the authorities’ commitment towards supporting tax payments by card, and we expect their efforts for modernizing the payments network to lead to an increased collection to the state budget”, Catalin Cretu, General Manager for Romania, Croatia, Slovenia and Malta at Visa, stated.
One out of three tax payments by card was made online last year, a noteworthy achievement given that only six years ago online payments were at an early stage. More than 370,000 online payments were made in 2016, double compared to the previous year, with an overall value of RON 78 million.
The average card tax payment value (both online and offline) stood at nearly RON 340 in 2016, 2.5 times higher than the average card payment value, of RON 140 last year, according to the National Bank of Romania (BNR) official data.
Local taxes can be paid by card at POS terminals installed at local administrations and postal offices, online on and the municipalities’ platforms, as well as at the info kiosks.
All public institutions that collect taxes and fines are due to accept card payments by the end of 2018, according to the provisions of the cash-back law.
The number of municipalities enrolled on reached 264 at the end of last year, up by 40 percent compared to 2015. Over 200,000 users activated their accounts on the platform so far.
Until March 31, Visa runs the 8th edition of its traditional annual campaign for promoting tax payments by card, aimed at informing the Romanian taxpayers about the benefits of electronic payments. The taxpayers that pay their local taxes before March 31 receive an up to 10 percent discount of their fiscal obligations, according to the Fiscal Code’s provisions.