The state company Transgaz wants to expand its activity in the field of hydrogen transport. Transgaz is the national natural gas carrier. More precisely, Transgaz wants to establish a limited liability company, with the object of activity being the transportation of hydrogen, with Transgaz as the sole partner, the company’s shareholders being called on June 5 to express their vote in this regard.
On the list of projects of Transgaz there is a pilot for the measurement and use of the mixture of natural gas with hydrogen, according to the company’s 2023 report. The project aims at the design, execution and installation of the installation related to the pilot project for the use of the mixture of natural gas with hydrogen. It also refers to the study of influences on materials, measurement systems and combustion equipment. A year ago, Transgaz concluded a memorandum of understanding with E.ON that provides for collaboration for the integration of hydrogen in gas networks in Romania.