Zitec to Digitize Romanian Finance Ministry’s Asset Management

Zitec Com, a Romanian IT company, specialized in the development of digital transformation solutions and services, won a tender organized by the Ministry of Finance for software development services in order to digitize the activity of capitalizing on assets that have entered the private property of the state and those seized in the forced execution of budgetary receivables.

Estimated at 12.82 million lei, excluding VAT, the contract was awarded for 6.61 million lei, excluding VAT, for a period of 17 months.

“The subject of the contract is the provision of “Software development services for the digitalization of the activity of valorization of goods entered, according to the law, into the private property of the state and of goods seized in the activity of forced execution of budgetary receivables.

More specifically, the contract refers to the acquisition of software development services, which refer, without limitation, to specific activities of analysis, design, development, data cleaning and migration, testing, implementation, training and transition to production, project management, as well as corrective and evolutionary maintenance services, as described further in this Specification for the development of an integrated online auction IT system which includes: – a case-management and record-keeping IT application for goods entered into the private property of the state; – an online auction platform dedicated to the valorization of assets that have entered the private property of the state and assets seized in criminal and fiscal matters, within which their promotion/advertisement will also be carried out”, the tender specifications state.

The other bidders participating in the auction were Arobs Systems, Phoenix IT, Esempla Systems, Connections Consult, Cancom Romania, Eviden Romania, Metaminds, Software Imagination&Vision and the associations formed by ASEE Solutions (leader) and Bithat Solutions, respectively Flame Data Technologies (leader) and Adamo Technology.

assetsdigital transformationforced executionITministry of financeseizedsoftwaretenderVATzitec
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