The chairman of Save Romanian Union (USR), Dan Barna, has announced on Facebook Tuesday that one million signatures have been raised for the civic initiative „No more criminals in public office”, while other party representatives said the initiative should reach the Parliament by September 21.
“The Constitution can be amended through a civic initiative if minimum 5000,000 signatures are raised countrywide, minimum 20,000 in half of the counties. For that, the law gives six months from the release of the initiative in the Official Gazette. These six months are ending on September 21. the initiative will reach the Parliament by then,” said USR deputy, Ionuţ Moşteanu.
„We are one million! One million of honest, hard working people that say, through their signature, they don’t want to be led by thieves anymore! (…) We’ll fight for every signature to be validated by the city halls and by the Constitutional Court and for the initiative to reach the Parliament and the Constitution. Every signature means a person who chose not to stay out, who chose to hope and fight. Change is possible! We keep on going until September 1!,” Barna posted on Facebook.
Last week, Barna announced that those 500,000 signatures needed for the initiative had been raised in 21 counties, but that the petition will not be yet submitted in Parliament for the party wants to reach 1 million signatures.
15% signatures had been invalidated in Brasov.