The parliamentary elections of 2020 are taking place in Romania on Sunday under special sanitary conditions prompted by the coronavirus pandemic. However, Romanians who are from localities under lockdown will be able to go to polls without needed an affidavit.
The turnout in Romania for parliamentary elections stood at 31.84% at 21:00hrs when the polls closed, much lower than the elections in 2016 when it stood at 39.49%.
The turnout stood at 31.11% by 20:00hrs, lower than the one in the last parliamentary elections in 2016, when it stood at 38.65%.
The turnout stood at 29.8% at 19:00hrs in the parliamentary elections, lower by 7 percent than in 2016, when it was 36.93%
The turnout stood at 22.43% at 16:00hrs in parliamentary elections, lower than in 2016 when it was 27.07%.
The turnout stood at 13.85hrs at 13:00, lower by almost three percents than four years ago, when it stood at 16.62%. Out of the voters so far, 1,421,824 were from the urban environment, while 1,098,072 in the countryside.
The turnout by 13:00hrs stood at 13.83% in Bucharest.
The turnout was 10.69% at 12:00hrs, lower than in 2016 when it was 12.47%. The highest turnout has been reported by this hour in Mehedinti – 15.41%, Olt and Teleorman – 14.5% and the lowest in Bistrita – 8% and Vaslui.
In Bucharest, 10.58% of the residents entitled to vote had cast their votes by 12:00hrs.
The Interior Ministry reported that the voting had started without particular issues on Sunday, with only few incidents which have though not affected the voting procedure.
In one polling station in Bucharest, the voting procedure has been suspended after one of the members of the electoral bureau had been confirmed with COVID-19.
Three members of other electoral bureaus in the Capital needed medical care: two for fainting spells and one for cutting his hand with a cutter.
Also in Bucharest, a man has been fined by RON 2,000 for abusively calling 112 emergency number to report that another person who was not wearing a protection face mask. The subsequent investigation has actually found out that the fact was not confirmed.
A 80-year-old man has died in the courtyard of one polling station in Teiu, Arges county. He seems to have had a cardiac arrest.
The voting procedure has also been interrupted in section no 643 in Bucharest, after a person who came to polls to cast the vote had died. There is an ongoing investigation to find out the cause of the death.
A man from Ramnicu Valcea was prevented from entering the polling station, as he had no face mask on. When he was asked to put the mask on, he became recalcitrant, so he was fined by RON 3,500.