32 current or former MPs, in conflict of interest, ANI says

The National Integrity Agency (ANI) found that 32 current or former MPs, including Attila Kelemen, Madalin Voicu, Ion Stan, Mihaita Calimente, Bogdan Ciuca, Iulian Iancu and Ion Mocioalca were in conflict of interest because they have hired relatives to parliamentary offices.
According to ANI, 14 current deputies, 17 former deputies and one senator hired relatives in their parliamentary offices, the total value of contracts concluded in breach of the legal framework on conflicts of interest is of RON 1,062,798 (about EUR 240,000).
Thus, in conflict of interest were found deputies Mihaita Calimente, Liviu-Bogdan Ciuca, George Firczak, Iulian Iancu, Miron Ignat, George Ionescu, Kelemen Atilla-Bela-Laszlo, Ion Micioalca, Iuliu Nosa, Laurentiu Nistor, Vasile Daniel Oajdea, Neculai Ratoi, Ion Stan and Madalin Stefan Voicu and sSenator Catalin Croitoru.
Also found in conflict of interest during the mandates of MPs, were former deputies Aledin Amet, Gheorghe Ana, Stefan Vasile Beres, William Gabriel Branza, Viorel Vasile Buda, Sorin Gheorghe Buta, Peter Calianu, Vasile Carare, Radu Eugeniu Coclici, Relu Fenechiu, Gheorghe Gabor, Mircia Giurgiu, Paul Horj, Doru Brasoan Lese, Corneliu Olar, Sorin Stefan Zamfirescu and Dan-Radu Zatreanu.
In the case of former deputies Viorel Carare, Stefan Sorin Zamfirescu and Dan Radu Zatreanu and Senator Catalin Croitoru, ANI has notified the Prosecutor’s Office upon the High Court of Cassation and Justice in order to verify possible clues of committing the crime of conflict of interest.
For the other 28 current or former MPs, the limitation period of five years for criminal conflicts of interest was over-fulfilled, ANI said.

ANIconflict of interestMPsnational integrity agencyparliamentProsecutor’s Office upon the High Court of Cassation and Justice
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