Amid turmoil in the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) due to resignation of five Social Democrats led by ex-Health minister Nicolae Banicioiu and their enrolement to the new Pro Romania party set up by former PM Victor Ponta, and above all, against the fact that PSD-ALDE coalition is thus losing the majority in Parliament, more and more voices from the Social Democrat camp come to crack the thin ice even more.
Social Democrat MP Catalin Radulescu, also known as „the AKM MP”, stripped of the party political support in March this year, has sent a public message to his party fellows during the weekend, asking them to stop using terms as ”traitors” or ”rats”, arguing this language would chase away other party members as well.
PSD Chairman, Liviu Dragnea, labelled the exits form the party last week rat attitude.
”Dear colleagues from PSD, please abstain yourselves from labelling our former colleagues who chose another path, as ”traitors” or ”rats”, for you only determine more colleagues to leave. I cannot accept this suburban, street manner to offend one another. I do not understand how we used to brag with Ponta Government in the electoral campaign and now Ponta is a traitor. I do not understand how we proposed and endorsed Tudose Government, and now Mihai Tudose is a rat. I do not understand how we supported Mihai Dobre in the Cabinet as minister of Tourism and now he is also a traitor. I do not understand how we said that Nicu Banicioiu has been the best PSD health minister and now he is a traitor. If there are colleagues in our party who want to follow a different path, another leader and if they do not find themselves anymore in this party, do we need to cancel all their merits, all that they have done well for our party and do we need to humiliate and offend them?,” Radulescu says.
Moreover, he also criticises the mistakes made by the incumbent Dancila Cabinet, slamming the lack of expertise of some ministers or their grammar mistakes. However, he is not an exception either at making such mistakes.
”Is not enough that we are embarrasing ourselves on a weekly basis for illiteracy and lack of expertise? Why do we need to be mean, hypocrites and characterless?
Or do you want to ”deceitfully” say (spune-ti in Romanian) that it is a land of milk and honey in our party, that you are all content of some people who became vice presidents, that you are happy with the lack of expertise or professionalism of some ministerss (ministrii in Romanian) that we nominated or that people are making fun of us because of the ”blunders” or that you all love chairman Dragnea and you curse him behind his back? Do you think this is the way to stop more exits? No, you are wrong,” Radulescu also stated.
Yet, he says he does not intend to resign from PSD, for the moment. ”Of course, we are all discontent with Dragnea”, he mentions, adding that he will wait and see what is next, if Liviu Dragnea will be sentenced to prison or not, if there will be more PSD lawmakers who will leave to Pro Romania.