ALDE won’t quit ruling…for now. Deal on rejecting the amnesty and pardon bill in Parliament, disagreement on the Gov’t restructuring

PM Viorica Dăncilă, PSD chairwoman and her ruling partner, ALDE leader Călin Popescu Tăriceanuhave met at Vila Lac in Bucharest yesterday to discuss the ruling coalition’s fate, amid ALDE’s warning to quit the government over dissension on legislative and executive issues.

Although it has repeatedly threatened to quit the ruling coalition if their demands are not accepted, ALDE is not taking that step yet. PSD has announced agreement on rejecting the draft bill on amnesty and pardon.

On the other hand, ALDE announced in its own press release that no consensus had been reached on the Government restructuring as they had required. A new discussion is due next week on this topic. Tăriceanu’s party will decide upon an exit from the Government in September.

“ALDE has proposed PM Viorica Dăncilă since the previous ruling coalition meetings to identify and prepare some measures to ensure a good governance. In ALDE’s view, a good governance involves a reform across state institutions, a new ruling programme, as well as a restructured government team mainly based on competence”, reads the ALDE’s press release.

In an interview to Mediafax last week, Tariceanu accused that the current Government “is functioning by default” and that he won’t be part of “an impotent Government”.

aldeamnestybillcalina popescu tariceanudisagreementgovernment restructuringmeetingparliamentparodnrejectingrulingviorica dancila
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