ALDE’s Tariceanu says is against amnesty and pardon. Another reason for dispute in the ruling coalition?

ALDE leader, Senate Speaker Calin Popescu Tariceanu said Wednesday evening he does not agree and will oppose any initiative for amnesty and pardon. Tariceanu said for TVR public television he does not want to be charged with making decision for his own interest

“I cannot agree with the idea that political decisions in which I play an important part could be decisions to favour me, so that I become vulnerable in the public space. You know very well that in politics we work with perceptions, not with realities. The perception regarding such a decision is unfavourable. ‘Look what the politicians do! Politicians help each other evade justice!’ So, this is the reason for which I was against and I am against and I will be against, given the current conditions. Given the current conditions I cannot agree with such a decision because I don’t want to be charged of doing politics for my own interest,” Tariceanu said.

Tariceanu is to be investigated as the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) has announced Thursday morning there are suspicions of corruption offenses committed during 2007-2008, with amounts of money paid for the election campaign by a company which benefited from important contracts with the Romanian state. Actually, Tariceanu allegedly indirectly received material benefits worth about USD 800,000 from an Austrian company representative.


ALDE leaderamnestyAustrian companycalin popescu-tariceanucorruption offensesDNApardonSenate Speaker
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