Ambassador Hans Klemm conveys condolences on the death of Corporal Stoica in Afghanistan

In a release posted on the website of the US Embassy in Bucharest, Ambassador Hans Klemm has conveyed a message regarding the death of Corporal Mădălin Stoica in Afghanistan.

“I was saddened to hear of the death of Corporal Mădălin Stoica who was killed during an incident in Kandahar, Afghanistan, and of injuries to other two Romanian soldiers.

I would like to extend my personal condolences and those of the United States to the family and friends of Corporal Mădălin Stoica, as well as to his fellow soldiers. I also wish a speedy recovery to the injured soldiers.

The valor of Romania’s soldiers in the NATO mission in Afghanistan  continues to demonstrate the highest commitment to defending freedom and democracy,” the message reads.

Corporal Madalin Stoica was 41, married with a baby. He was on his first deployment to the theatres of war, employed by the National Defence Ministry (MoD) since 2002.

In the same incident, Corporal Ionel Buzea and Private Ionel Toma were injured.

The soldiers were in a convoy of four MRAPs (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) when a trap car came crushing into their vehicle.

ambassador Hans Klemmcondolencescorporal madalin stoicadefence ministryNATO mission in AfghanistanRomanian soldiersUS Embassy
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