ANAF – Antena 1 and Antena 3 case. Ombudsman, notified ex-officio. PSD leader Liviu Dragnea keen to topple the Gov’t

Ombudsman Victor Ciorbea (photo) has taken note ex-officio about the ‘possible infringing of Art. 30 and 31 of the Constitution on the freedom of expression and right to information,’ in the case of ANAF’s deadline to evict Intact group TV stations.

“The ex-officio notification concerns the possible infringement of art 30 and art 31 of the Constitution on the freedom of expression and on the right to information. Within the actions to be conducted by the Ombudsman, discussions with the parties involved will be considered, among other things, requests for information, contacts and documents and the examination of the constitutional provisions, legal and procedural ones related to this case. These actions do not question the compliance with court sentences,” reads a statement released on Thursday by the Ombudsman.

PSD leader Liviu Dragnea keen to topple the Gov’t

Social-democrat President Liviu Dragnea said Wednesday evening for Antena 3 that if the five stations of the Intact group are closed down, he would consider a motion of censure against the Government.

“I want to tell you something we discussed today in the party, I said very simply that if ANAF evacuates the building, practically the Government of Romania is closing down the five stations in a democratic state – if this happens under the technocrat Government, which always said that it protects the freedom of the press or protects it, then I believe this government cannot remain in office. If this happens, we look very seriously to the event of filing a censure motion,” Dragnea said.

Liviu Dragnea added that if the five stations were closed down, the current government would become “extremely dangerous for democracy.”

“It’s not because it sticks his fist into the mouth of the press, it abolishes the press, but because this government cannot remain in office as it becomes extremely dangerous for democracy, for our freedom and because it means that it unleashes any kind of abuse,” said the PSD leader.

Referring to the statement of President Klaus Iohannis, PSD president said he was expecting a firmer stand from the president.

“I do not think there is no question of ‘let it be an appeasement’. I’d go farther; I think there are state institutions in this country which should verify the legality of ANAF’s deeds. I do not think this would be wrong. If things were legal, it’s great, but if they were not legal, they should be checked, because the whole country was disturbed?” Dragnea said.

CSM President criticises politicians’ reactions

The President of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), Judge Mircea Aron, expressed concern over escalating the public debate on the eviction of the television stations founded by Voiculescu family, stressing that the messages conveyed to the public question the court’s order.

“Such manifestations risk exceeding the constitutional framework in the field of justice in Romania, presenting a potential influence on the independence and prestige of the judiciary by deviation from the rule of law,” Aron said, according to

ANAFcensure motionCS<democracyIntact groupLiviu DragneaMircea Aronpresident klaus iohannisprotestsSocial-democrat Presidenttechnocrat government
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