Avangarde poll: PSD ranks first, followed by PNL and AUR

According to the latest Avangarde opinion poll, commissioned PSD and released on Wednesday, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) ranks first on voting intentions with 35%. PSD is followed by the National Liberal Party (PNL), with 20% and by AUR with 12%. USR comes fourth with 9 per cent and UDMR fifth with 5 per cent. PMP, the party set up by former president Traian Basescu, which didn’t make it to the Parliament at the last elections, now is credited with 5 percent, thus exceeding the electoral threshold.

Unlike the previous analysis of Avangarde, PSD decreased one percent, AUR and USR lost two percent each, and PNL has an increase of 1%.

34% of Romanians would like to cap the price of fuels

The Social Democrats also asked what is the Romanians’ opinions in relation to certain government measures such as reducing the price of fuel, special pensions and amending the Fiscal Code.

Over 3 out of 10 Romanians say that capping the price of fuel is the optimal solution for lowering prices (34%), while 23% opted for lowering VAT.

Only 7% of respondents say that the state should not intervene in the economy, and 34% can not appreciate what measure would be appropriate for gasoline and diesel prices to fall.

65% of those surveyed by Avangarde agree with the taxation of 80% of special pensions. 6 out of 10 respondents say they agree with deductions for low-wage Romanians and the additional taxation of public sector salaries that exceed the president’s salary.

Also, more than half, meaning 55%, say that they agree for multinationals to pay a contribution of 0.5% of turnover for health and education for a limited period of 2 years.

The Avangarde opinion poll was conducted between 22.06.2022 – 30.06.2022 on a sample of 903 people, by the CATI method.

AURavangardeelectionsFiscal Codefuelopinion pollpnlpricepsdspecial pensionsUSRvoting
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