Booed during visit to Constanta, PM Dancila advances idea of draft to punish calumny and denigration

Several protesters have booed PM Viorica Dăncilă while she was meeting the pensioners in Constanta county on Sunday, while others applauded her and chanted “PSD”.

No more special pensions“, “Thieves“, “You are a lying illiterate“, protester chanted.

In retort, the premier said the protesters who are calling her “illiterate” are the same 7-8 people who are going to every PSD event in the country.

Of course, it is the freedom of speech, but it’s also about the education from home. I will not offend anyone ever (…) The pension point and the minimum pension are increasing as of today. The protesters should have abstained from booing, at least for the pensioners”, the SocDem leader pointed out.

She also advised protesters “to look in their own backyard”, while advancing the idea of the Parliament’s adopting a draft law to punish calumny and denigration.

PSD chairwoman Viorica Dăncilă argued that is she were MP herself she would initiate such a bill on calumny and denigration.

“I think they should look in their own backyard and then talk about the Government in this way. I think they should be asked to present their ID papers at some point. The Government should ask them to name the alleged offenders and thieves they are mentioning. I f I were MP, I would initiate such a bill. I hope the Parliament will adopt a law to stop calumny and denigration,” the prime minister stated.

Dancila: The censure motion will fail

At the same time, the premier opined the censure motion announced by the National Liberal Party (PNL) will fail in Parliament, arguing there are “good-faith” people in the Parliament who see there is no other alternative. She says though PSD “will fight” from the Opposition if the motion passes.

We won’t quit ruling. Some, who are lecturing us now, have resigned at the first gust of wind. I won’t resign. If the censure motion is tabled in parliament and this motion passes, although I don’t think so, then it’s normal to respect the vote in the Romanian Parliament. But we’ll be fighting from the Opposition in this case,” Viorica Dăncilă told the meeting with the Social Democrat pensioners.

She added that a Government who has a political programme cannot be replaced by “anything else” and that the attacks of the political foes can’t take the place of a ruling programme.

PM Dăncilă has also said during the PSD sitting in Mamaia on Saturday that she is not rushing to ask for a confidence vote in Parliament and that PSD won’t leave the ruling, while asking the Opposition to prove it can raise signatures for the censure motion.

She also told pensioners that at the beginning of her mandate as a premier her acquaintances used to tell her she will not resist six months. “Give me at least nine months, I am a woman“, Dancila retorted.

As for the upcoming presidential campaign, Dăncilă said she is stronger than her contenders and that she will not attack any candidate’s family during the campaign.

booedcensure motionconstantailliteratepensionerspensionspm viorica dancilapsd
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